I saw in a local broadcasting this other night a show that made me think: Japan is starting a social movement to awaken it citizens. The show titled as my post: What is life?.It was grossly divided in 3 sections: birth, growth and dead.Hence, covered a sort of ‘academic’ program from the very origin of life till the end of it self. But more than simply putting as academic, it was a humanistic way of seeing this marvellous conundrum we call LIFE.I must add; as usual I was taken aback with the contents. It made me sight, than cry and finally meditate. Beautiful, really good job! I will applaud.What I extracted from this ‘experience’:Scientifically speaking, where did life started?: The sea. So after all, we did came from the sea (I recommend here to watch this movie “The Lady In The Water” if you want to understand what I mean).First living forms: unicellular, bacteria. Than fish/reptiles/birds/mammals.Mammals/primates/humanThan came a opportune question: Why only earth is populated? Favourable conditions must exist in balance.Why did I came into so many details?. Well, something that even for being a physician I didn’t take in account:During pregnancy: all the process is repeated. The foetus live literally surrounded by water. It starts as a single cell and after several stages it becomes a mammal. Also the same conditions must exist in balance. In the case of humans, after birth the baby crawls from 4 feet to the final erected position of 2 feet.Other interesting point: during embryonic stage all animal forms are the same (including humans), so on simple eye is difficult to differentiate between one and the other!. This is another supporting proof of our now a days breakthrough theory: We are one. We are the same, come from the same, go through the same ‘stages’ and finally become essentially: the same and everything starts again…Wow!!!!, this was my final comment that night, and also for today: wow!!!. We must be humble and grateful to be here, as witnesses and protagonists of this terrific process.

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