I don’t think I’m the only one who has ever felt misunderstood or not comprehended. I have said many times, words are the worst media of expression of “emotional states” or “soul-made insights” ever. And I guess that once you start feeling “out of this world” or having a “different perspective”, the misunderstandings become even worst.I notice this more and more with time, how people can make me stumble over my own words. But I guess I’m not someone “easy to understand” sometimes, and actually very often I can arise some “suspicion”. Like literally jumping on one foot is something so odd now a day. And people use to ask me: has “something good” happened lately?. As if being happy must have a very particular reason; or even worst, it is happenstance.We are still so “outer aimed” that finding inner happiness can become a real challenge.Do you ever feel like this?, happy for “no special” reason and feel inadequate or weird in other people eyes?. I still don’t understand why we have to be “so real” and “ground put”.We don’t see what we are doing, but we are creating a world where being unhappy and depressed is the standard. And being insanely happy is just that: insane.If you think I’m exaggerating just think about this: one day I witnessed a conversation between 2 friends. One looked very joyful and said that she was feeling really good and didn’t know why. With a frown and concerned face the friend inquired: are you ok?...(and I couldn’t help but burst in to laughter, it was so ironic).But this is something very natural: whenever we are distressed or upset we don’t feel like listening to someone being happier or cheerful. Something inside claims for compassion or better saying: empathy. We want to feel supported and protected. But we must remember: mourning over one’s hardships is ok but not so over doing it. I mean, feel bad be honest to your self and stay behind the line until you feel better. But don’t “chop out wings”, don’t “kill dreams” or “washout cheerful feelings” just because you don’t feel specially in the mood. Any way, next time try this: I’m feeling fantastic! how about that? and guess what more?? I DON’T HAVE A SPECIAL REASON to feel in my “7th heaven”. People will freak out with this utterance I know, they will keep thinking: why???...there must be a special reason…But it is good to shake this world from it’s ground from time to time, just for the very pleasure to teach a new way of living.

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