“Something told me one day: do not condemn…”I was walking back home, listening to the sound of my own steps resounding in the night.“Another night alone”, I said to myself and my first reaction was to complain: why???.But in the same time, that inner voice made me step back and avoid the “catharsis of complains” that dwells in an unknown corner of my soul.Many times I have wondered the same, once and again. Many times hurt, or angry: is it possible that one day people will agree about something so fundamental?. About what really matters in our lives?.Why do we always impose limits to our coexistence?, why does it seams that differences never end?, and worst of all: they become reasons of frequent separations and falling apart?. Why do we build walls, boundaries that separate us from each other?.Why can’t we learn to get along in spite of our differences?, in short.And very deep inside I started to accept: I can’t condemn.I can’t blame others, (even more those I love the most) for not understanding something that I did.I can’t blame others for believing that love is the last in the list.That achieving a goal, being successful, and being popular and powerful is more important than being compassionate, patient and loving.That a juicy wage, a lucrative job and a degree hanging on a wall are more important than a smile, giving back hope and lifting someone.Can I really condemn?...I can’t!.I can’t because that will limit the freedom of others to find their own truth.I can’t even when what I believe resounds as right. I can’t when my perspective is different, and I know that it can take more than this life to “get it”.I just can accept and trust that one day, a really close day, we will overcome those walls and we will meet ourselves in the eyes of each other.

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