Can you stop? the middle of whatever you are doing right now and ask these questions?
I said, in the “middle of whatever” deliberately. We are used to “do stuff” automatically.
And that includes when we do things because we are supposed to, because we were told to do so or because somebody or everybody is doing so.
In the middle of our lives (or in the end, or even in the start) we find ourselves doing something. It can be a life-time career, job, marriage, partnership, parenthood, school or whatever.
And we think, or at least, most of us think, that this is all.
I mean, that LIFE is just this.
Our perspective of LIFE, has not changed no matter how old is our race. No wonder why we still keep dragging the same problems.
It has been reduced into “birth, growth, reproduction and death”, as we were taught in old school all over the globe. If not, than why do we study, work, get married and have children?
These are the most fundamental activities we all perform, and most of us have not answered the “fundamental questions” yet.
The fundamental activities are the reason why we made our lives sustainable, fair.
But without knowing the “fundamental answers”, our life is not SELF-SUSTAINABLE.
At least, we do not experience it that way.
And that is why we keep on “doing stuff” in order to sustain ourselves and the ones we made our responsibilities.
Because we do not know that we are actually self-sustainable, and that because we do not know who we are, why are we here and what is the meaning and the plan for everything.
We keep experiencing life as a burden, the majority of us do. In one way or another, we are not happy all the time. How could we? if we keep thinking exactly the same way about everything?
So we keep adding “more stuff” to do, achieve, get, produce, etc. in order to be happy enough, or something close to that.
The thing is that we do not see the enormous impact of our cultural procedure. We do not see that the reason for a war nearby, starvation over there, social repression farther away, and all kinds of violence around our whole planet is precisely this: we are living without meaning. We are passing thru earth without knowing what we are supposed to do here.
And the sad part is, that we do not care. Or if we do, we do not try. Or if we try, we give up.
Personally, for the biggest part of my life (that is, since puberty), I have been questioning myself about those fundamental questions.
I was one of those who cared, but did not try and gave up.
Until a year ago.
Until the burden was so unbearable, that I felt as is my life had a life of its own. Weird huh?
Well I was not so mistaken…
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