Wednesday, November 25, 2009


have you ever caught up yourself shedding tears silently, or literally sobbing while listening a very emotional music or watching a very touching scene?

are we sentient beings when we do not show our true feelings?

is shutting our emotions well behind seven chains around our hearts a way to show humanity?

boys don't cry? seriously?

emotions are private property reserved only for girls...hmmm...interesting.

I am a girl, fair enough to have emotions and show them. But in some societies, not even girls are allowed to do it in public view.

gosh...we humans are the most complex, amazingly interesting and unreserved when coming to use our minds to invent or come up with weird rules.

I used to be very rigid years ago. Displaying strong emotions in plain sight was not something that will happen. But give me 5 years alone with myself and see in what I became...I am a cry baby now! I confess it, I shed tears easily when something touches a nerve.
And the triggers are of all sort, from music, personal stories to a memory of 10 years ago.

And I feel more in touch with myself being like this. I feel more...


more connected to other people's hearts.

(T-E-A-R-S: Tool-for-Every-Animal-to Reach-its-Spirit).

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