As a big fan, I went to the cinema yesterday.
A movie has been hitting the tabloids all over the world: a tribute to a life-time career of a man that touched millions of hearts all over the planet.
This is it: the “King of Pop” completed his journey here on earth.
The display of lights, sounds, images and everything one can enjoy in any given concert was not the strongest feature of this documentary.
It was the essence of a human being enjoying what he came to do on earth. It was the passion that everyone got to witness and few get to feel with a regular job.
It was the nurturing effect of “intention” he infused to his performance that left me without words.
And it was the clearer-than-ever message of LOVE and UNITY that Michael Jackson left us before departing.
I said before: we have more Spiritual Masters in this world than what we acknowledge. And some of them are disguised in a very unconventional and even controversial appearance. Our masters, leaders of the new age, are not conventional any more.
Why is that? Well, we have reached the stage of reawakening to our innermost truth.
And that is that we are all dormant masters, leaders, guides, healers.
All of us, each one of us.
I was moved to tears with the rumbling message of urgency that our planet is yelling for awareness. I saw in a short movie these days someone saying we are dangerous, psychopaths. That we are destroying our home and our family blindly and bluntly. And it is true, a time for a complete shift is compelling.
And the same message is passed along from every corner of our planet.
Many are regretting that a great entertainer and musician left us forever. Some regret not being able to assist a live concert of the biggest pop star ever.
We are puzzled with how everything ended up and how MJ left right before restarting his career.
I posted few days ago a writing with some new insights about my thoughts of LIFE and DEATH. And if I reflect the startling departure of a human being that had so much impact on those previous insights, I think I got it.
It has been said that “No one dies before finishing what he/she came to this life time to accomplish”. So we can be joyous instead of depressed every time some one departs.
Michael Jackson is not death, I conclude.
What we perceived of that human being has changed form, that is all. MJ is still alive, and not only in our hearts.
But to understand that or even believe it we have to change our conception of everything. Everything we hold as true or false.
And maybe than, life can start to feel as an adventure instead of a burden.
So I was a big fan of Michael Jackson, and I still am.
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