I have made several posts here talking about the power of hope; but after a while I started misbelieveing my own words.I will not go into details to explain the whole process I underwent to become almost a skeptic. But I decided to write this post because I have understood something very interesting about me and my kind.It is true, humans can not live without hope. And it all starts with desire. We want this and that, it is our natural responseto life. Likewise, we dream and built dreams about certain outcomes.
Hope here comes to link our inner dynamics: a desire becomes a dream when we hope to achieve it. Wanting things or outcomes without purpose doesn't built dreams. It is the level of intention we put in to our own desires that turn them in to a dream. And whenever we say we have a dream, it is because we hope and expect that one day it will come true. If we don't have a dream, than we don't hope for it.
The problem here, is that by the way this mental process goes, we make ourselves become attached to certain outcomes. And as we all know, life has so many turns that we never know what will happens the next minute. Thus the possibilities are countless.
What can we do when something appears to be precisely the opposite of what we were dreaming for?, what can we do when even hope can not turn it to our convenience?, what can we do when everything seams so far and unachievable?.

The question is open, and we all can make our own decisions.
But what I believe is that we can try with this: trust.
Trust that whatever happens, it will be the perfect outcome, the one that works better for us in a long term. Trust that even if we can not have a certain outcome precisely the way we dreamed, we will be ok without it. Trust that we will understand with time that things happens for our own personal welfare. And trust that we still have a whole life ahead, and we still can try once and again.
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